Block 5 construction work set to finish in 2022

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The construction work on the windows of Block 5 and part of the library on the Wellington Massey campus is expected to be complete by 2022, but could take longer depending on conditions. According to a Massey spokesperson, the construction work includes window replacement and refurbishment. They told Massive, “The windows in Block 5 are ageing and no longer fit for purpose… The windows are being replaced with modern energy-efficient double-glazed windows that will open and close.” Windows that open AND close? Oh now you’re just treating us, Massey!  

The Massey spokesperson says the work began in late November 2020 when the University was closed. The non-definite time given for completion is due to the external and weather-dependent nature of most of the work. “Work needs to continue through the semester to ensure that it can be completed as quickly as possible to minimise the overall impact on students and staff.” 

A decant floor has been created so that the construction work can be approached on a floor-by-floor basis to minimise disruption when students returned for semester one. However, some students that study in the library or have classes in Block 5 say they have noticed the disturbance to their own learning since returning to study. 

First year student Ollie says that the nearby construction does affect him noticeably. “Especially the drilling, and lots of banging noise… Could be quite disruptive, especially towards exams and stuff when you’re trying to focus.” 

Fourth year student Simone says that the noise of the construction can bother her when she doesn’t have her headphones in playing music. “If I’m just sitting here and I’ve got no music to play then yeah I find it quite bothering because it’s quite loud.”  

“It’s kind of annoying that it’s so close to the library because, you know, it’s a quiet place to think and to study.” 


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