Banana Bread


Bananas are the bane of my existence. I always buy a bunch on my Monday arvo shop; thinking this will finally be the week I start making healthy detox smoothies. Then it’s mid-week and the late-night Netflix sessions mean I sleep well past smoothie o’clock. Instead of binning the almost rotten ‘nanas, I just chuck em in the freezer. By the time the weekend comes around, I’m ready to give up on my health dream, but then remember my frozen bad bois. I need to incentivise myself to do almost everything, and this recipe is no different. You can make this GF, vegan, and nut-free. In other words, budget-friendly! 

P.S. Chuck those frozen bananas in the microwave for one minute, peel and all, and they’ll be super easy to peel.


  • 3 large overripe bananas 

  • ¼ cup vegetable oil  

  • ½ cup sugar  

  • 1 ¼ cup flour 

  • 3 tsp baking powder  

  • 3 tsp cinnamon  

  • ½ cup chocolate chips


  1. Heat ya sad crusty oven to 190°C on fan forced bake.  

  2. In a large mixing bowl, mash three overripe bananas with a fork.  

  3. Add the oil and sugar and mix until well combined.  

  4. Sift in the flour, cinnamon and baking powder, and fold the mixture until there’s no dry flour left.  

  5. Chuck in some choccie chips, and give it a lil stir so they’re not lumped together.  

  6. Line a small bread/cake tin with baking paper and grease with oil.  

  7. Smush the mixture into the tin and be sure to fill up the corners or your bread will be weird.  

  8. Bake for 30 minutes.  

  9. If the top of the bread is browned, remove the tin and wrap some tin-foil over the top and return to oven. If it looks golden, don’t touch it!  

  10. Cook for a further 10 minutes. Undercooked is better than a dry crumbly mess.  

  11. Let cool slightly, then remove from tin and let that shit rest for 30 minutes before slicing it up and spreading some marg, Nutella or jam on the slices.  

  12. Share with your flatties, or don’t. Take to bed, and binge watch The Witcher yet again.     


Thanks for your mahi essential workers! Here’s a pay-cut.


The Wicked Whims of Wattpad