Auckland Massey student goes to China for Rubik’s Cube competition 

Could we even call it a ‘square off’?  

Massey University’s own student Chris Mills won $300 competing at China’s GANCUBE Smartcubing on August 10th and 11th.  

Speed cubing involves the solving of a Rubik’s Cube or related puzzle formations as quickly as possible. 

Chris Mills, first year in Business, said after being competing in countries such as Australia, Ireland and China, Mill said Chinese speed cubing has an all-time high.   

“They’re much faster than the rest of the world, and there’s only sixteen competitors and I made my way in.”   

Mills enjoyed exploring and meeting people from all over the world at overseas competitions, “For me it’s mostly about the people like making new friends and visiting old friends.”  

In preparation for these competitions, Mills approach is to not only create solutions as quickly as he can, but to also simulate the competition setting.  

“Many people prepare in different ways, for me I like to do solves most of the time and learn some things months before a competition to simulate the competition.” 

After watching his brother’s friend trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube when he was younger, he started to learn about speed cubing.  

“I saw a video online about a competition and this was all ten years ago and after I practiced and got faster, I thought I’d give a competition a try.”  


Ramming w/ Fergus: Jizz


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