Wellington Campus Stationery Store on the Horizon for 2021

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MAWSA is considering a partnership with art supplies store Gordon Harris in establishing an on-campus supply store.

Revealed at the 2020 MAWSA AGM, talks are underway with local art store Gordon Harris in establishing an on campus click and collect supply service.

MAWSA president Jacob Paterson said the store will cater for the student stationery essentials.

“Since Bennett's closed last year there is nowhere on campus to get stationery and supplies and most students have to walk all the way to Gordon Harris if they want a pen or an A4 workbook. MAWSA is planning on filling this need for students by selling some essentials through a 'click and collect' MAWSA shop.”

However Paterson said nothing is set in stone.‍

“We are still in the early stages of organising this, but are looking to partner with a stationery or art store, like Gordon Harris, to be able to sell cheap, quality products that students want through MAWSA.”

Design student Jess Aitken said that an on-campus supply service is an essential.‍

“Oh my gosh, the amount of times that I’ve had to leave uni and walk all the way to Gordon Harris just to get some more paper or a pencil, so stupid. In the design school we rely on those sorts of supplies so I feel like it’s a no brainer. I mean, half of this campus is design focused.”

Industrial design student Liam Cosford said bringing supplies on campus would help improve people’s focus and creativity.‍

“When you have to leave and go get all your supplies, you end up going home or mucking around. If it was on campus then you’d just go quickly get whatever you need, then go straight back to work.”

“What a lot of people don’t realise is that a lot of the time you get your inspiration for what you are going to design from the materials. So often I’ll stand there and look or feel the materials in order to create an idea,” he added.

‍“Being able to do that on campus would be amazing, especially for me when the workshops are only open between 8 and 4; that walk down to Gordon Harris can take up valuable time.”


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