Welfare Officer has their pay temporarily reduced after poor report


MAWSA has voted to not accept the quarterly report of their Welfare and Equity Officer, Jordy Katene, after her work was considered “not up to scratch”, according to MAWSA President Tessa Guest. Ouch.  

Tessa says the report “didn’t provide adequate detail to imply that they had fulfilled their duties”. As a result, the Exec have voted on “period of reduced pay” of 50% “to reflect the lower amount of hours worked in the first quarter”.  

In the meeting, when the time came to discuss Welfare’s quarterly report, Tessa asked Jordy, “Do you have anything you want to say on this?” Silence followed. Elizabeth, the Vice President, exclaimed: “She’s not there! Where is she?” For unknown reasons, Jordy was disconnected from the Zoom, and never re-emerged. Was it on purpose? No one knows.  

This 50% pay reduction will last until 7 June, when the second quarterly reports will be due in and Jordy’s reports will be resubmitted. Tessa says, “We will re-assess in six weeks, and push back to their regular payment if the Executive feels as though their duties have been fulfilled.” She will continue working at a usual 10 hours a week. Tessa says she has had “chats” with Jordy about the situation and will have regular check-ins for the weeks to come.


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