Updated NZUSA national Covid-19 action plan supported by 48 student groups

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The New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations (NZUSA) has sent off a revised action plan to university and government leaders to ensure adequate support for students under lockdown. 

The 2021 National Student Action Plan on Covid-19 was updated for August at the start of this current lockdown. According to NZUSA, it is endorsed by 48 different student associations and national student representative bodies, including Te Mana Ākonga (National Māori Tertiary Students’ Association), Tauira Pasifika (National Pasifika Tertiary Students’ Association) and the National Disabled Students' Association. 

NZUSA said the plan contains three requests: A Universal Education Income (UEI) for all domestic students, a significant increase to resources allocated to the Covid-19 hardship fund, and increased funding for mental health support. 

The document states, “The appeals in this plan are not radical, they are simply pragmatic and necessary. They need to be met so that our tauira can survive and thrive in a time of crisis.” 

The plan does not suggest any specific figures for the proposed UEI, or the suggested increases to the hardship fund and mental health support. 

The full plan is split into four umbrella areas of support that NZUSA believes need to be improved. These are financial support from the government, non-financial support from the government, financial support from tertiary institutions and non-financial support from tertiary institutions.


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