University fucks up, displays Level 1 Covid-19 sign in Wellington.


A flatscreen TV, prominently displayed in a main hub for students, displayed wrongful information about Covid-19 alert levels to passers-by. Students walking through the Pyramid building were treated to a digital display which read: “Alert Level 1 on Campus. Unite against Covid-19,” despite the campus having been in Alert Level 2 for three days.  

The incident was discovered at 9:01am on the Tuesday 2 March, by a very charming and beautiful Massive Editor. Despite Massive informing the communications team that morning, by mid-afternoon the display was still up. However, at 5pm students reported the screen being changed back to a normal rotation of traffic information, with no Covid-19 information being reported on screen.  

One student called the incident “dumb as fuck” whilst another said “honestly, I’m not even shocked. It’s Massey, what do you expect?”  

Massive reached out to Massey University for comment but the University failed to respond in time for print.  


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