Two confessions pages one uni: how much demand can there really be?

Massey Confessions

Congratulations Massey University students! You’re now the lucky recipients of not one, but two Massey confessions Facebook pages! Praise be. In the past couple of weeks, a mysterious new contender has emerged on the scene, MU: Meaningless Confessions. 

Massey Confessions is the original page, currently sitting at around 2,400 likes. Massey Confessions was born in 2018. While that may seem long enough for a confessions page to accumulate some decent content, it seems like Massey Confessions has been delivering less and less. At least, that’s what MU: Meaningless Confessions thinks. 

“My mates and I have been missing the confessions that the original Massey Confessions used to post. A year later and we had only seen posts about MUSA, depressive content, and nothing nowhere near [sic] as entertaining as its original form.” That was the origin story from the presumably very attractive people behind MU: Meaningless Confessions. 

MU: Meaningless Confessions currently only has a very sad following of 20 likes; however, they do have a point regarding Massey Confessions. MU: Meaningless Confessions is only a month old, but (at the time of printing) within that time a whooping 64% of all Massey Confessions’ posts have been about failing uni, students hating their lives, general complaints about the world around us, or all of the above. Misery loves company so they say but babes, seriously, lighten up. 

Of course, the blame for down buzz content can’t all be on the page. Surely, we’re all on the same vibe of hating our lives and failing uni? No? Well, MU: Meaningless Confessions think that the downfall of Massey Confessions is a combination of both. “[T]he confession page should have ability to control what content gets posted. Based on the number of posts that actually get published on [Massey Confessions] we definitely think the admin plays a part.” 

Clearly, MU: Meaningless Confessions won’t be making any changes to the Massey confessions landscape without people actually submitting good content to them. So … I guess it’s up to you guys if you really care about this at all? I don’t, lol. Regardless, Massey Confessions isn’t “phased” about the whole thing. 

If there is anything we can take away from this story it’s this: firstly, check in on your mates, especially if they seem the type to post to confession pages. Secondly, I would highly recommend sliding into the DMs of your local confessions and/or shit posting page. I had the best conversation with MU: Meaningless Confessions.....can’t stop thinking bout them..... abdsabufdhisjlfbjufk. 


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