Time to Dust off those Snow Sticks

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Adventure enthusiasts Pablo Hurford and Robert Bruce have been touring the nation this June, hosting workshops at Torpedo7 stores to talk about all things ‘snow.’

Pablo, a representative for snow-gear giant Sportive NZ, got these nights going by bringing the snow community together at their local Torpedo7 stores to give an insight into snow gear, while Robert presents his social enterprise Got To Get Out.

From owning a marketing company to now running his own social enterprise, Robert founded the fun initiative with the intention to encourage people to get out and go on an adventure.

“It’s proven that you are 25% happier in life if you are outside doing things, keeping fit, and active. This can give a better mental state for anyone.” said Pablo.

Through Torpedo7 subsidising some of these trips, Robert has been able to promote mental wellness while breaking the barriers that price can have on adventure. 

“If you’re feeling a little flat, maybe exams are on, you have a lot of assignments, or you’re feeling a little isolated from home — getting outdoors is a great way to improve your mood.”

Mt Ruapehu is off to a jaw-dropping start to the season with the new $25 million dollar gondola running at Whakapapa. Pablo will be spending up to 35 or more hosting free demo-days over this winter.

“If you see Ride, K2, or Line flags flying on the hill then come test out some new skis or snowboards and see what you might be into,” he said.

Tickets to the adventures can be found on the Got To Get Out Facebook page.


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