This is the Fucking Weed

Patrick Gower Standing with a bag of weed

Kiwi meme hero Patrick Gower will have the third part of his ‘On Weed’ documentary, airing on TV3 this September 21, in an endeavour to educate Kiwis on what legalisation would look like in Aotearoa if the vote is successful at this election.

This time last year, Gower took us on an emotional and educational journey surrounding the medicinal and recreational uses of marijuana in parts one and two of the series.‍

The documentary was a hit with people of all ages and circumstances, but it’s us students with the most support towards his documentary. 

‍“My micro-polling of students giving me a pat on the back; asking for a selfie, and saying, ‘this is the fucking weed,’ leads me to the conclusion that students are going to vote 99% yes,” said Gower.

The series was to be completed after the second part, however, there was a helpful turn of events that led to this third part of the documentary.

“What happened after we were finished [with the second episode], is the government released its draft bill that we are going to be voting on at the election.‍

“So that gave us the perfect springboard (so-to-speak) for a part three.”‍

The new part will be delving into what the rules would be and how they would work in practice here in New Zealand.

There will also be some previews into Aotearoa’s current marijuana cultivations.

“I can almost guarantee that we will show people the strongest weed ever made in New Zealand and how it’s made. And we test it scientifically at the ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research) so that the government signs it off.” 

“I challenge the cops, actually, to find me stronger weed,” Gower said.‍

The renowned journalist made it clear that his intentions are not to sway his audience to one side.

“I didn’t get into journalism to tell people how to vote. My goal is to inform people. What people want and need is something that’s down the middle.”

‍Even with the new information that Gower has already uncovered, he explained that he doesn’t think that his documentary will make it any easier for people to know what to vote for.

‍“Because it [part three] throws up a whole lot of curly things that people mightn’t have thought of, but it will make them more informed.”

“Tune in, have a good time, I don’t care if you’re sitting around having a few cones. A lot of people want to have weed parties, that’s awesome, I welcome it if that’s the way you wanna watch it,” he added.

“Or if you don’t wanna do that, get Mum and dad, or get Nana and grandad to sit in front of it because they need to watch it too. Maybe do that on the weekend after the cone party.”

Similarly to his famous words, this indeed is the fuckin’ news.

On Weed: Part Three will be aired on Monday, September 21, at 8:30 p.m. on TV3.


The Wellington Campus Review


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