Te reo resources!

Nā te mea kua tatū mai Te Wiki o Te Reo, anei ētahi rauemi tuihono hei hoa haere mōu i tō ara ako i te reo. Ka taea te whakatika i te reo hapa, tē taea te whakatika i te reo ngū.

Ka ako tātou i tēnei whakatauākī, ngā painga o te hapa i a koe e ako ana, ā, he pai noa hoki te hoki ki te tīmatanga ako ai. He pai noa ake i te pai - koia pū tonu te iho o te whakarauora i tō tātou reo rangatira. Kāore he huarahi i tua atu i te whakarūmaki i a koe anō ki te reo mā te whakamahi i ngā rauemi tuihono.

Kua whakatōpūngia e mātou tētahi rārangi ingoa o ngā rauemi tuihono mō te reo Māori he māmā noa te toro atu me te tiki atu, he pai mō ngā pakeketanga katoa, āheitanga katoa, tirohanga katoa hoki. Kia maumahara tonu - mā te kōrero anake i taua reo koe e ako ai i taua reo! E tika ana ka āwhina ēnei rauemi i a koe, heoi, me kōrero Māori hoki ki ētahi atu tāngata.

Ngā pūkete pae pāpori

Kei a tātou anō te mana whakahaere i te āhua o ā mātou pūkete pae pāpori - ēhara tātou i te kaiwhakamahi noa, he kairauhī. E rata ana te Māori ki te whakakīkī i ngā pae whāngai rongo kōrero ki ngā tāngata e rite ana ngā uara, te āhua, me te reo hoki, hei rautaki whakaū i te reo i ia rangi, hei whakangāwari i te mokemoke. E kore koe e noho mokemoke, ahakoa koia pea te whāinga a ētāhi tāngata, taraketi mai, whānau mai hoki.

Everyday Māori

Ko tā te pouako reo nei a Hēmi Kelly he tuku akoranga poto ki ngā reanga tīmata ki te ako i te reo, e ako ana hoki i te reo, he te tuku whakataukī, me ētahi atu punua taonga. Kua hopukina hoki e ia tētahi pāhōrangi Everyday Māori, kāore anō kia whakahoungia, ēngari he rawe tonu te whakarongo atu. Rapua ia ki Paeāhua, whai rānei i a ia ki tana whārangi Pukamata, a ‘A Māori Phrase a Day’.

Reo Māori Mai

Ko tā Reo Māori Mai he toha i ngā hoahoa whakairoiro whakaatu i ngā kupu, rerenga kōrero, tikanga matua, whakataukī rerekē me ētahi mātāpono o te ao Māori. Kātahi anō rātou ka whakarewa i tō rātou hapori tuihono kōrero i te reo, e pai ai te hono a ētahi tāngata ki ētahi atu hei hoakōrero. Rapua rātou ki Paeāhua.


Up to Speed

He terenga pāhōrangi hou, rawe hoki a Up To Speed with Te Reo hei timotimo māu, nā te mumu reo nei a Stacey Morrison. E 10 katoa ngā puni (tōna rima mēneti te roa), ā, ka āwhinatia koe ki te whai māramatanga mō ngā rerenga kōrero me ngā kupu māmā i ngā horopaki pēnei i te kai, te rā me ngā rangi, ngā ingoa Māori me ngā mita. Kei Spotify hei whakarongo atu.


He pāhōrangi ā-wiki a Taringa ka waihangatia ki Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Ehara i te pāhōrangi “ako i te reo” me kī, he tirohanga whānui kē ki ngā āhuatanga huhua o te reo, ki ōna mita, ki ōna whakataukī, ki ōna tikanga, me te tiro whakamuri ki te whanaketanga o te reo. He mīharo i ngā wā katoa, he maha ngā wā hātākēhihoki.

Back to Kura

I tēnei tau tonu, i tīmatangia e te kaihaurapa kōrero me te kaituhi nei a Shilo Kino rāua ko te kaiwhakapāho a Astley Nathan i tā rāua akoranga reo rūmaki ki Te Wānanga Takiura o Tāmaki Makaurau me te whakarewa hoki i tā rāua pāhōrangi hei rikōata i tā rāua ara. He tokorua kōrero pono, tuku kōrero whakaraerae, ka kore hoki rāua e teka mō te uauatanga, koirā i whakaihiihi ai tō rāua wairua haupai me tā rāua haerenga i te tangata.


Ko te katoa o tēnei pukaoro mīharo he reo Māori. Ka pai noa te pānui haere i a koe e whakarongo ana ki ngā pūrākau (mō ngā taipakeke tae noa ki ngā puka taitamariki), he rauemi kei roto, he ngohe anō. Ahakoa kāore ō reo matatau, he pai tonu kia whakarongo atu hei whakaharatau i te mita me te whakahua.

Ki Tua

E kawe ana a Ki Tua i ngā pūrongo kōrero o te wā me ngā take whai hiranga mā te reo Māori, me te whakamōhio atu ko wai mā ngā mātanga me ngā rangatira.

Ngā taupānga

Te Papakupu o Te Aka

Ko tēnei papakupu ka noho hei puna mātauranga mōu,hei paipera tapu, hei tino hoa hoki.

Whare Kōrero

Whakarongo mai, mātaki mai i te whānuitanga o ngā ihirangi Māori o te motu (ā-waea, ā-rorohiko, ahakoa ki whea) utukore! Ka āhei hoki koe te toro atu mā Whare Kōrero ki ngā ihirangi katoa o ngā reo irirangi Māori. Ki konei hāpai ai tēnei whare i te mana motuhake rawa Māori. Ko ngā ihirangi katoa kei raro i te mana tiaki o te kaituku.

Kupu 2.0

Nā Spark te pūtea tautoko i tēnei taupānga whakamahi i te kāmera o tō waea kia tango whakaahua o tētahi taputapu me te whakamāori i taua taputapu. Tangohia he whakaahua o tētahi taputapu o ia rā (tukuatu rānei i tō ake whakaahua) kia whakamāorihia i taua wā tonu.


Ko tatau tētahi kēmu kaute hei āwhina i a koe ki te ako i ngā tau me ngā kupu hei whakaingoa i te tau roa ake. He māmā noa te “whā”. Ēngari anō te 2, 968 - rua mano iwa rau ono tekau mā waru - he uaua kē noa atu!

Tipu Te Reo Māori

Kua whakakēmuhia e Tipu Te reo Māori i te ako i te reo - mā tō pouako a Koi koe e kawe mā ngā wero kupu, hanga rerenga, me whakahāngai i te tāruarua ki ngā momo ngohe rerekē kia aro tonu atu koe.

He aha tēnei?

He kēmu kano muramura tēnei e aro pū ana ki te āwhina i ngā tamariki kia tika te tātaki me te whakahua kupu. Te pīwari hoki o ngā reo nohinohi!


Hoea tō waka kia whakarerea te taniwha mā te ako me te tautohu i ngā kupu me ngā rerenga kōrero. Kia oti i a koe ngā taumata e whā katoa, whakamātau anō i a koe mā te tere whakaoti i ngā reanga e whā kia iti rā ānō te nui o te wā me ngā hapa.

He wāhi tuihono anō

Toro Mai

Nā aua mumu reo ngoikaha nei, a Stacey rāua ko Scotty tēnei pae māmā ki te whakamahi mō Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. Ka āhei koe te whai akoranga mō te reo Māori, ngā tikanga Māori rānei, mā te whakamahi i ngā kēmu ataata, ngā kēmu pāhekoheko me ngā pepa whakautu pātai.

Ae, tērā pea ka mate koe ki te whakataurangi i a koe anō ki te ako i te reo ā-wā kikī nei, heoi, he ara pai te arapāho hei tīmatanga kōrero, ā tōna wā ka rere he reo kōrero kē.

Te reo resources!

Because every week is Te Wiki o Te Reo, here are some tools to keep you company on your te reo learning journey.

Ka taea te whakatika te reo hapa, tē taea te whakatika te reo ngū. You can fix language that is broken but you can’t fix language that is not spoken.

This whakatauākī teaches us that it’s okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to start at the beginning. It’s better than okay – it’s the very key to the revitalisation of our reo rangatira.

What better way than to immerse yourself using all of the modern tools at your disposal. Here we’ve compiled a list of te reo Māori online resources, that are easily accessible and cater to a range of ages, abilities and perspectives. But remember – the only way to learn a language is to speak! These will supplement your learning journey, but you’ll need to kōrero Māori with other human beings.

Social media accounts

Our social media newsfeeds can look and sound like whatever we want – we are not passive consumers, but curators. For Māori, filling your timeline with people that share your values or look and sound like you is a great way to normalise everyday te reo and feel less alone when it seems everyone from our politicians to certain family members want you to feel like an outlier.

Everyday Māori

Kaiako reo Hēmi Kelly offers short, regular beginner and intermediate lessons, as well as sharing whakataukī and other interesting tidbits. He has also recorded an Everyday Māori podcast which is no longer being updated but a great listen nevertheless. Find him on Instagram, or follow his ‘A Māori Phrase a Day’ page on Facebook.

Reo Māori Mai

Reo Māori Mai share clear and concise graphics-driven explanations of different words, phrases, root meanings, whakataukī and concepts in te ao Māori. They have also recently established an online reo speaking community that people can join to learn and practise with one another. Find them on Instagram.


Up to Speed

Up To Speed with Te Reo is a great snackable new podcast series from te reo Māori champion Stacey Morrison. Over 10 short episodes (think five minutes each), she helps you understand basic but easy to overlook Māori language phrases and words in categories like food, dates and days, Māori names and dialects. Listen on Spotify.


Taringa is a weekly podcast made at Te Wānanga o Aoteroa. It’s not a “learn te reo” podcast, rather the hosts Paraone Gloyne, Erica Sinclair and Te Puaheiri Snowden explore te reo Māori at a more linguistic level, looking at regional dialects, whakataukī and tikanga, and how the language has evolved over time. Always fascinating and often funny.

Back to Kura

Journalist and writer Shilo Kino and broadcaster Astley Nathan began their full-time te reo study this year at Auckland’s Te Wānanga Takiura and launched a podcast at the same time to record that journey. The pair are honest and vulnerable, and don’t gloss over the hard parts, which ultimately makes their progress and positivity all the more inspiring.


This amazing audio book resource is all in te reo Māori. You can read along as you hear the stories (which range from adults to young adult to children’s books), plus it offers other resources and exercises. Even if you’re not fluent, it’s well worth listening to for mita and proper pronunciation.

Ki Tua

Ki Tua covers current events and important issues all in te reo Māori featuring a who’s who of experts and leaders.


Te Aka Māori Dictionary

This comprehensive online Māori dictionary is the final word and your constant companion.

Whare Kōrero

Watch and listen to a range of Māori content from around the motu (on your phone, laptop, anywhere) for free! Also, Whare Kōrero gives you access to all iwi radio content. This whare upholds the principles of Māori data sovereignty. All content remains under the guardianship of the original distributor.

Kupu 2.0

A Spark-sponsored app that uses the camera in your phone to instantly translate objects into te reo Māori. Just take a photo of an everyday object (or upload your own) and see it translated in real time.


Tatau is a handy Māori counting game that helps you not only learn the names for numbers but put the different elements together for longer ones. “Wha” meaning four is easy. 2,968 – rua mano iwa rau ono tekau mā waru – is much harder!

Tipu Te Reo Māori

Tipu Te reo Māori gamifies language learning – your teacher Koi takes you through challenges using vocabulary as well as sentence structure, balancing repetitiveness and variety to keep you engaged.

He aha tēnei?

Aimed at children, this colourful game helps kids spell and sound out words. The voiceovers by actual kids are super cute!


Paddle your waka and escape the taniwha by learning and identifying words and phrases. Once you’ve completed all four levels, play them again and challenge yourself to complete the levels in the quickest time possible with the fewest mistakes.

Elsewhere online

Toro Mai

Those tireless champions Stacey and Scotty Morrison present this easy-to-use platform for Massey University. You can complete lessons on te reo Māori or tikanga Māori, which use video and interactive games and answer forms.

You may not have the time to commit to learning the language full time, but media is a great way to get the conversation started, and eventually, flowing.


Ngā kōrero mōu e ai ki tō mihi poroāki ā-īmēra, i te reo Māori


Te Wiki Whakaara