Sexcapades - It’s not my fault I'm a homewrecker

This is a wild one guys, so lock in! About a year ago I was browsing through tinder for a suitable suitor. Times were rough for me, and honestly my standards weren’t too high. Anyways, after a good few days of scrolling, dead chats and a lack of interest I was feeling as horny as ever and just needed some relief. Along comes James, we will call him James for the purpose of anonymity.

James was a solid 6/10. He had a normal face, nice facial hair and what looked like a standard dad bod. After going back and forth over text for a few hours, and realising he was actually quite funny (the average ones are always the funniest), we decided to meet at my place ‘to watch a movie’.

He comes over, we have steamy sex, and I end the night cuddled up against his hairy chest. This man was good, you could tell he’s had a lot of experience pleasing women, the way he moved his tongue, the thoughtful nature of his tempo, everything was perfect and I wanted more.

Fast forward three months and I’m still seeing James. I think we’re dating but nothing is official yet. I haven’t really been over to his house either. Everytime I ask him to have me around he makes an excuse about his flatmates being really horrible about having guests, I tolerate this, but keep pushing the point. After nearly 5 months of great sex and a few lovey dovey moments I pop the question and ask to be his girlfriend. Instead of saying yes and leaping into my arms, he hesitantly says he needs time to think about things as his life is pretty turbulent. Next thing you know, my numbers are blocked and I never hear from James again.

I was really starting to like this guy, so like any jealous ex would do, I hired an online investigator to stalk him and dig up some information. After one week, and about $15 dollars I'm shocked to find he’s been married for three years and has two kids.

Needless to say, I messaged his wife and told her everything.


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