Sexcapades (vol 9)

I have a good sex story for you. I want everybody to listen up. This will teach you not to get fucked and have sex with a random. I was at a concert when I was first year. This chick walked up to me and asked me to come with her to her friends flat where there was another party. I agreed. 

We got to her friends flat where we got absolutely horsed. I dead set finished 2 chasseur goons of wine. Almost immediately upon arrival she pulled up my shirt and sucked my nipple in front of everyone. I was low key into it, lol. She led me into a bedroom, closed the door and then asked if I wanted to choke her. I said no cause like not really into that, and then she started crying so hard saying how I don’t find her pretty and how ugly she must be. 

So naturally, I did it. She then like, idk how to describe this, nibbled off my clothes?? Like gently with her teeth took of all my clothes and then all hers. Seriously - picture a chick biting her clothes off her own body. Kind of hot. 

I got so fucking hard and actually started having a mean time. Just as I was finishing, she asked me if I had ever had sex with a pussy. I was really confused like.. obviously? What are we doing now????  Then she got up, walked to the closet, and there was a fucking cat in there. She put the cat on the bed and then asked me to go down on her while the cat was just staring at me eye-level. That’s where I drew the line.  

Please stop messaging me. 

Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox


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