Sexcapades: Putting the "D" in Long D.


Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox

During lockdown, I’m unfortunately doing long distance with my beau. I’m camped up at my parents’ house, eating dinner at 5pm and watching the chase, whilst he’s at his rowdy flat in palmy. So, not ideal (although the food is a lot better here). It’s SUCH a shame too, because we’re in the early honeymoon phase of our relationship, where basically all we want to do is fuck each other’s brains out. He’s a bit older than me, and looks it too, but he’s so hot and I miss him. 

To try and keep the romance alive, we’ve had to come up with a next level plan. Every day at 4:30, I say I have a zoom meeting with my dissertation supervisor, and that I can’t be disturbed. My parents are often making dinner at this time, so they’re kept busy, whilst I go and engage in a bit of delightful zoom cyber sex with my boyfriend. We use headphones so I can hear his moans. He likes it when I video call him whilst sitting at my office chair, my legs fully spread eagle up on the desk whilst my fingers work their magic. Let’s just say, he gets a pretty good view. 

Only, it all went yesterday. I was masturbating at my desk, tits out and skirt hiked up around my waist, whilst my boyfriend was furiously pounding away at his meat on screen. It was pretty fucking steamy. 

But then, something terrible happened. 

Apparently, they’d TRIED knocking. I couldn’t hear them because of the headphones, so I guess we’ll never know. All I know is that my mum came up, saying “What takeaways do you want?” only to be greeted by a lovely view of my hand down my vag and some cock and balls on a screen. Yeah. I screamed “Get out!!” and she closed the door as quickly as she could. 

Oh, and the worst part? They had a serious sit down with me afterwards because they thought he was my LECTURER. From all those fake zoom calls I made up!! FUcking hell. Could actually die from embarrassment right now. Need to move back to my flat asap.


Massey adapts back to Level 2
