Sexcapades: Lockdown Temptation


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All this year, my flatmate (let’s call him Brian) and I have...kind of vibed. We’re good mates, okay. But we know to respect the ultimate rule of don’t screw the crew, and we’re both slutty enough to find a good lay elsewhere. Every weekend he’d bring round his Tinder dates, I’d bring round my clubbing hookups. It was a good, solid system. Until lockdown. Now we’re both so horny (I know, because we keep mentioning it to each other) and there’s no one else to distract us from our genitals. Our other flatmates haven’t suspected a thing, but sometimes when we’re all watching a movie, his finger will casually scrap my inner thigh under a blanket. Or he’ll hold my gaze a moment too long when I step out of the bathroom in a towel.  

It’s just so fucking hot. God, he’s sexy. But that was all it was, until last Thursday. We had a cocktail night as a flat and all got waaay too drunk. One of my flatties literally passed out on the couch, the other spent the night with their head in the toilet bowl. So, it was just us. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the fact that I hadn’t had sex for a good week at this point, I’m not sure. But we immediately went into Brian’s room (thankfully an outhouse, so the noise wasn’t too obvious) and fucked like bunnies. It was electric. I had three orgasms that night alone. Honestly, the best shag I’ve had in a while.  

So now I’m here, back in my room, pretending like nothing happened. He’s doing the same. But something did happen. What do I do Massive? Things are now really awkward, and we’ve broken the golden rule. Oh well. For that cock? Honestly worth it. Now let’s just hope no one finds out....  


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