Revealed: The papers most likely to give you that sweet A+ …. or fail you entirely


An OIA request to Massey University has revealed the information that every student wants to know: which papers are most likely to give you an A+, and which papers are dishing out those fail grades like they’re condoms at a O-Week. Finally, we have statistical evidence to help determine your all-important course load.  

Fashion Design Research and Development came out on top, with a whooping 53.8% of students gaining an A+ in 2020.  The Fashion Department just continues to give us WINS, from birthing a Project Runway winner, to treating students with the respect, and grades, they deserve. 

Music Production and Composition 3 and Music Practice followed close behind with a 40.9% and 40.0%, respectively. Creative Ecologies III came in at fourth place with 39.5% of students gaining that sweet 90% or above, and Crew Resource Management landed a tidy 39.1%.  

A whole range of papers didn’t award their students any A+’s in 2020, from Photography and the Body, Maternal and Child Nutrition, Advanced Academic Reading and Writing I, Integrative Studies in Veterinary Science and much more. Kinda rude but okay. We were in a pandemic! Spare a couple of A+’s in this trying time.  

As for papers to avoid, it’s no surprise that - even from total alone - they all sound scarily boring. In first place: Justice and Equality, where 46% of students achieved less than 50%, with the median grade being labelled a DC. A DC means Did Not Complete which, according to Massey, is “regarded as lower than D, E and F when determining the median grade”. Fucking yikes. What the fuck is going on where the majority of the class just straight up doesn’t complete the coursework?  

Next was Operating Systems and Networks, with 38.1% of the class failing, with a median grade of  C+, and Advanced Aviation Human Factors with 36.6% failing, again a C+ median grade. In fourth place was - wait for it - Foundation Management with 36.4% and a C grade. If you took, or are taking, any of these courses, my heart goes out to you.  

Note, summer school papers or papers with under 20 students were excluded due to privacy or grade finalising reasons. Also, this is just undergraduate papers, sorry postgrads xx 


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