Palmy cucks themselves with early liquor hours


Palmerston North is set to move their bar closing hours forward by an hour, from 3am to 2am, much to the disappointment of students. Alcohol sales from bottle stores and supermarkets will also now cease at 9pm. In comparison, student hotspots of Dunedin, Christchurch and Hamilton all have a 3am closing time. 

On the 28 April, City Council adopted the new provisional local alcohol policy, with only one city councillor left standing in defence of a 3am closure. The policy has taken seven years and three rounds of consultation for this latest step to be taken. 

Understandably, students are pissed. One student, Cam, says “It’s absolute BS, tbh. I don’t think closing bars and alcohol stores early is going to make any difference to the drinking culture in Palmy.” Another student, Tom, says he’s “fucked off” about the decision. “Just let students live, honestly. We just wanna dance, have some beers. We’re not hurting anyone.” Student Simon notes that “if anything, now students are just going to be more likely to throw big flat parties rather than go to town. That’s where you get dangerous, uncontrolled drinking, not in a bar with security and staff to look after you.” 

There will be further discussions and reviews to come, although the time looks unlikely to change from this latest vote. 


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