MAWSA election results announced

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MAWSA election results were announced last Wednesday, with 146 students voting in the election, after nearly three weeks of campaigning by candidates.  

Fiona Lu and Elizabeth Hodgson won the Co-Presidency with 118 votes. “Thank you to those who voted for us! I am excited, nervous, but ready to take on this new chapter,” Fiona says.  

Elizabeth says she found out the results mid-vaccination, “so it’s been a day of wins for me”. She went on to say, “Bring on 2022! We are very excited to be leading this incredible new executive.” Fiona agreed, saying “I think we have a great team lined up which will make for a strong MAWSA presence next year.”  

Khushboo Singh was elected Vice President by 114 votes, who says she’s “super excited to continue to represent our students”. Meanwhile, Kate Winsley nabbed the position of Academic Officer by 115 votes overall.  

Genevieve Rae was elected as Sustainability & Wellbeing Officer by 112 votes, and Maya Louw won the position of Candidate for Clubs & Campus Community Officer by 118 votes.  

The position of Welfare & Equity Officer was the only contested position, with students voting between Jo Sunga and Calista Cristobal. Jo Sunga ultimately took home the top spot, beating Calista by 38 votes, with a total of 76. 

Tessa Guest, current MAWSA President, says she’s “stoked” with the results, saying, “2022 will be a big year for MAWSA and we’ve got the right people to be leading the charge.” She acknowledges that she would have liked to see more votes in this election “but I’m really appreciative of those who did participate, given the circumstances”.  

“I’m hopeful that next year, elections will be able to be run on campus, and we’ll be able to bring some more hype. I know you won’t agree Massive, but student democracy can be genuinely exciting,” Tessa says. Haha, whatever you say babe.  

The new executive will be introduced to students at MAWSA’s AGM in two weeks, where they’ll also draw the winner of a $200 PB Tech voucher for students that voted. 


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