MAWSA 2022: Meet Your Candidates!

Editor's Note: All the execs are holding elections at different times this year, love that for us! Stay tuned throughout other issues to see candidates for M@D, ASA and MUSA once nominations close.

Welcome to the MAWSA Elections for 2022! This is your chance to size up those courageous enough to run for roles, and ask them the tough questions to ensure they’re fit to represent and advocate for you next year. 

The Student Executive does a lot of really important mahi. You might not think about it day-to-day, but they’re contributing all year to big conversations about how our university works and caters for students. They also provide direction to our team of staff in things like O Week and the ball, and lead their own projects and campaigns - all in a huge effort to ultimately better your experience as students.

Elections go a little something like this: 

This amazing selection of people keep campaigning over the next week or two. 

They talk up a storm in the Candidates Debate (Monday 13th September, 12pm, check MAWSA socials for details).

You VOTE, either for a candidate, or ‘no confidence’ if you don’t think any candidate would do a sufficient job (voting opens on Wednesday 15th & closes on Tuesday 21st).

Results are announced and a winner of our $200 PB Tech voucher is drawn from those who voted (Wednesday 22nd, more info on our socials).

And just like that, you have your 2022 MAWSA Student Exec! Get amongst or else.

- Tessa Guest (MAWSA President 2021)


Fiona Lu and Elizabeth Hodgson– Candidates for Co-Presidency

Kia Ora! Lizzo (2rd year CMP) and Fiona (3rdyear fashion) are back with unfinished business... Our current roles in MAWSA have enriched our knowledge and fuelled our passion for the responsibility to continue representing you. 

By joining forces, we will be able to expand our capacity in this role, give you a stronger voice and have more efficiency to act on your behalf. The relationships we’ve fostered with staff and students will continue to grow and make it easier for us to do work with and for you. Our top priorities are: university accountability, representation through collaboration and accessibility at home and on campus. You can count on us to bring the continuation of improving our Wellington campus, listening to your ideas and being an active alliance to you. 


Khushboo Singh– Candidate for Vice-President

Bula vinaka everyone! I am Khushboo and I am running to be your Vice-President! I’m a second-year communications student majoring in journalism and your current clubs and community officer. This year I have been lucky enough to work alongside our amazing exec on the public transport equity campaign, rallied for a city free of sexual violence, worked with clubs to build up our communities on campus and helped out with some snazzy events along the way and much more.

As your VP I will be committed to ensuring MAWSA continues to be a true Te Tiriti partner, to ensure students feel welcomed and safe on campus and most importantly, to represent and advocate for all of our student’s interests and needs. So vote Khushboo for VP cuz the good Khush never let you down!


Kate Winsley– Candidate for Academic Officer

Hello! I’m Kate, and I’m currently a 3rd-year concept design student. I’m excited to be a candidate for the Academic officer role, I love learning, and I’m sure you do too. I want to help you get the best out of your uni life, whatever that means for you, especially surrounding your experience in your classes and lectures. Having a solid support person to listen and support you is one way to make your uni life as smooth and fun as possible!

With my involvement in this role, I hope to provide you exactly what you signed up for when you decided to come to Massey. You need courses to run ethically and fairly to ensure a safe learning environment; This helps you have a fabulous time at uni! That’s what I’m here for, and I hope you’ll consider voting me in as your academic officer for 2022! 


Maya Louw– Candidate for Clubs & Campus Community Officer

Hiya, I’m Maya! I’m in my second year here at Massey studying concept design and I am thoroughly enjoying it! I love art, music, film and anything creative. So I definitely chose the right university for me. I like to consider myself a friendly and kind person, as I do my best to live up to my Hufflepuff traits.

If I was elected, I would make clubs more accessible. There are so many wonderful communities at Massey, but unfortunately club involvement is lacking. I’ve met so many like-minded people and made friends through Graphite Club, Massey Digital and Massey Adventurer’s Association, to name a few. Not only that but it’s a nice break from stressful assignments. Let’s make the most of these opportunities! I’d like to help you experience all that student life has to offer here at Massey. Vote for Maya to live your Massey life to the fullest!


Jo Sunga– Candidate for Welfare & Equity Officer

Kia Ora! I am Jo Sunga, a 2nd year photography student. Like any of you, I am your stereotypical student who somehow functions with 3 hours of sleep and tons of coffee. Maybe that’s why I am short. But you know what they say, the best things come in small packages. Jammed in my tiny body is an insane amount of empathy and compassion. Running for Welfare and Equity Officer gives me an opportunity to create a safe and healthy environment for all students. I want to help better our space by providing guidance and support for all students. 

One of my constant passions is voicing out the importance of any respective issues. Whether it may be bettering mental health support to cultural safety to women empowerment. I am willing to be the person represented by voicing out your opinions and worries. 


Calista Cristobal– Candidate for Welfare & Equity Officer

Kia ora, my name is Calista (2nd year Spatial Design) and I’m excited to be running for the Welfare & Equity Officer position. Why? I’d like to pay forward the kindness and warmth from the MAWSA team throughout the years. 

Reaching out for help, especially during this new stage in life, can sometimes be daunting. I’d love to be the person that you can talk to with ease and feel heard. In this role I would like to provide a lending ear and safe space to discuss action plans for better mental health support, cultural representation and other ways to uplift our community. I will be committed to making sure we find the best solutions and outcomes for you, that guarantees a welcoming learning space for all!


Taylor-Rose Terekia: Kaiwāwāhi Matua of Te Pararē


Extension adds to student stress