Massey welcomes new Diversity and Inclusion Advisor

Connor McCleod, a 25-year-old takatāpui, has stepped into the brand-new role of Massey’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisor. The role is based in Wellington but the advisor will be working across all Massey campuses to “take a look at the University as a whole with a rainbow lens. This means to be both strengthening and supporting what we already have at Massey, and looking at starting what we don’t,” Connor tells Massive.  

Student Success Advisor Debora Lee says that the queer staff and students at Massey are “delighted” by the appointment. “The role is focused on creating and maintaining an environment that is diverse, inclusive and welcoming for all people. The ASA Education Officer and I would like one of the projects Connor leads to include queer-inclusive curriculum and will be advocating for this.” 

Connor has previously worked with Q-Youth, InsideOUT, and Victoria and feels “Elated. Overwhelmed. Excited. Burdened,” to be starting his new role. Connor explains, “Us rainbow people are no one single group – we traverse time and space and you can find us in every community, every culture. And because of this, no single person has all the answers nor experience to make all the changes necessary to build a perfectly inclusive environment here at Massey. So, we have to talk. Collaborate. Learn, research, and make sure we’re getting supported and called in (or out) on the areas we’re not quite hitting. At the same time, this is a way of working I’m extremely passionate about, and am super stoked to be here.”  

Connor’s first goal is to connect with people across the University and be available to “advise quite generally on issues that affect rainbow and takatāpui communities”. He also hopes to develop a list of key priority projects for the University alongside the community. 


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