Lockdown threatens freshers’ O-Week piss-up


First year students all around the country were left disappointed with the postponement of Massey’s O-Week events. As the country was hit by yet another lockdown at Level 2 and above, limiting all gatherings to 100 people or less, the Massey Crisis Management Team and Student Associations made the call to postpone or cancel the events. 

In Albany, Massey’s Auckland campus was subject to Level 3 lockdown restrictions. ASA President Benjamin Austin said most of the O-Week events were Massey University-run. The sole Albany-run event, a comedy night on Friday 19 February, will most likely be postponed until Auckland is back at Level 1. Even with the news of level 2, the events will be postponed to a later date as the exec “haven’t had the time to re-do them”. Clubs' day will be subject to the government announcement on Monday.  

At Level 2, the 100-person limit meant MAWSA, Massey’s Wellington Students’ Association, has postponed their events “until further notice”. MAWSA President Tessa Guest said their Toga, D&B and Band night events were in conjunction with the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) and collectively sold 1,400 tickets per event. However, with the announcement of Wellington entering Level 1, MAWSA was able to confirm that O-Week events were able to be held on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday with the same line-up as before.  

Massey’s Manawatū Students’ Association’s (MUSA) “FutureFest” O-Week event line-up in Palmerston North was postponed in its entirety as of Tuesday afternoon. MUSA president Fatima Imran said a full refund will be issued automatically to all ticketholders in 5-10 days. Upon immediate news of the Level 1 announcement, Fatima told Massive “From what I understand right now, our situation hasn’t changed. We have postponed our events and will find a new date that works best with MUSA, the artists and agents.” Refunds will still be given under level 2, as the exec are yet to confirm new dates, with Fatima saying “we understand that students aren’t always in the best financial situations...it seems unfair to hold on to a significant amount of money”.  

Some freshers feared their O-Week experience was dead in the water. First year student Erik said, “My disappointment is immeasurable, and my week is ruined.” Meanwhile freshers Harrison and Quinn described the lockdown O-Week experience so far as “very un-swag” and a “pretty lukewarm start”. Student Inderpreet knew exactly who to blame. “All my homies hate COVID”, whilst Manvir kept his thoughts to the point: “O-Week, more like no-week.”  

Students who want to know which events have been postponed, cancelled, or put online can check out the University’s and student associations’ websites, or Facebook, for more information.  

Editor's note: This article went to print just an hour after Wednesday’s announcement so some of this information may be outdated, given the changing nature of Covid. 


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