Can distance students easily access mental health support?
Some distance students believe more can be done when it comes to their mental healthcare. This comes while distance fees rose by 3% and internal fees by 4.5% this year.
Distance student Emma Westenra said, “Many of us are juggling work, families, and other commitments, and we pay a lot of money, so I’d like to see us receive the same care as internal students when it comes to mental health.”
Massey charges distance students a student services fee of $7.70 per credit — $1.70 less than internal students pay. For a full 120-credit year, that adds up to about $924.
While 65% of Massey students are remote learners, accessing health services isn’t always straightforward. They’re instructed to contact the nearest campus health and counselling centre for virtual counselling.
Westenra said, "It is definitely an uphill battle being a distance student. You feel that much more isolated, which can be detrimental to success and to one's mental health.”
Virtual consultations are possible, but only on a case-by-case basis.
Associate director student wellbeing Leanne Radovanovich notes that while Massey’s counselling team offers a range of online services, “If a student feels they need professional support, they are encouraged to reach out directly to the counselling team.”
“It's important for distance students to know that, even from a distance, there are many resources and people available to help them through difficult times.”
Radovanovich said the online platform called MyHub is tailored for distance students. The platform offers information on managing anxiety, panic attacks, sleep hygiene, depression, loneliness and more.
Students can also use MyHub to access past webinars, support groups and external helplines to address various health and academic challenges.
Radovanovich said maintaining a balance between academic responsibilities and personal wellbeing is crucial for distance students.
“Distance students are encouraged to realistically assess how many courses they can manage alongside their personal commitments. Planning a workload that accommodates work, family and other obligations is essential.”
Academic support services like Te Rau Tauawhi, Pacific Student Success and Student Achievement Coaches offer additional support to balance study with other life commitments.
If students prefer peer support, the TalkCampus app provides anonymous, peer-to-peer support. This platform connects students worldwide and provides a space for discussing mental health and personal challenges.
Talk Campus is available 24/7 — because who doesn’t need a little help at 3 a.m.?