Horoscopes - 15 August


You have been for real grinding for the past few weeks Capricorn. I know the grind is not slowing down any time soon but make sure you allow time for some self-care – even if you have to physically schedule it.


Assessments, lectures, and working for The Man got you down, Aquarius? Let your creative flair be free and download some sort of special FX app on your phone. Let loose! Get TikTok famous! Then drop out of uni forever!


You’re feeling a bit attention-deprived this week Pisces, and that’s okay. But try not to let this manifest into becoming one of those people who interrupt everything with something about themselves. Not cute x


Charity work of the week: Go through your bedroom and sort all of your clothes, accessories, bits and bobs out. Then return them to all the flatmates you stole them from! Give back to the community <3


Two can play your mind games, Taurus, and FYI, your fling of the month is catching on to your constant up and downs, preparing to give you a taste of your own medicine. You’ve been warned.


Gemini, babes, you for real have to stop skipping lectures to go get brunch. Firstly, where’s this income coming from? Secondly, you’re literally paying way too much for your education to be truant.


Are you getting suspicious because you haven’t cried in a week? Yeah, so are your friends. I would highly recommend watching a sad love movie (e.g., the Notebook) to reach your monthly tear quota.


Enjoy the attention while you’ve got it Leo because – thank God – we’re finally nearing the end of Leo season. Start practicing your thirst trap poses for the upcoming lull in attention.


Afterpay is the toxic BFF who hypes you up to your face and talks shit about you behind your back. Cut it off, Virgo. The stars tell me IRD will request receipts of your course related costs purchases in the near future.


body Your indecisiveness is cute at the best of times but annoying af at the worst. For some exposure therapy, purchase a stick and poke kit and force yourself to choose a tattoo on your body for life!


Don’t let the mid sem slump get you down. It’s time to heal your inner child this week Scorpio. Go buy some Iced Animals, watch some Spy Kids, and stay up ‘til midnight!


I think you’ve been forgetting how much of a bad bitch you are and tbh it’s sad to see! To reinvigorate yourself, watch Puberty Blues and then … I’m gonna say it … break up with them. Purr.


Confessions of A… shocking DNA result


Solicited Advice