Horoscopes - 6 June
Make as much time with Papatūānuku as you can in the lead up to deadlines and exams! Go for a walk, pick some flowers. She will help you through all the stress – and she misses you.
Study break idea: Hit your local Farmer’s Market.
Put those coloured pens away, Aquarius. Intricate designs and lettering in your notes will do nothing to help you achieve your academic goals. Just highlight like the rest of us.
Study break idea: ‘Fine line tattoo ideas’ Pinterest board.
Stop going to aesthetically pleasing locations to do your study, and do NOT sit by a window. You need all the help you can get to stop yourself from daydreaming this exam season, Pisces.
Study break idea: Adult colouring book.
Your need for validation will be satisfied by this upcoming exam season, Aries. Try to hone your energy into study rather than seeking attention from your flatmates!
Study break idea: Post thirst traps on IG.
Trust me when I say that you don’t know more than your lecturers. If you actually listen to their feedback, you will do amazing. Get your A into G, gf!
Study break idea: Meditation.
I would highly recommend deleting all social media this exam season, Gemini. The stars tell me that procrastination is coming to get you. Be safe out there.
Study break idea: Doing your readings.
Yes, Cancer, your friends will rely on you for kindness and support during this stressful uni period but make sure you put yourself first. Don’t forego your own success!
Study break idea: Book a therapist appointment.
You will not pass your degree on charisma alone. Top study tip: Try to study at the library rather than gossip! The library is not a place for socializing.
Study break idea: Look at yourself in the mirror.
Don’t let your perfectionist side take over as you hand in your assignments! Trust me, they’re fab! You’ve worked on it for ages now, just hand it in. It’s fine. Leave it.
Study break idea: Binge Stranger Things.
The stars tell me that this uni break is a prime networking opportunity for you, Libra! Go out and DM anyone and everyone on LinkedIn. A coffee date with a CEO?? Fuck yes.
Study break idea: Rewrite your CV.
Don’t waste your time deep diving into some obscure aspect of your research this exam season, Scorpio. I promise you it’s not relevant and will not help you get better grades.
Study break idea: Get your glasses prescription checked.
When your friends ask you to get a drink with them, say YES. The stars foresee you working yourself too hard this exam season. Let loose a little, baby! It will help!
Study break idea: At home karaoke performance.