Sexcapades: Those damn hand cuffs 

So, when me and my partner were still living up in the Halls, we were getting hot in the bedroom after two, maybe three bottles of Soju. I pulled out hand cuffs my friends had gotten me for my 18th birthday as a classic gag gift. Lost in the moment, I cuffed us to my vintage headboard I bought from the thrift.  

Everything happened and the mirage faded as it does. It was then that I remembered my friends had attached the cuff keys to my actual keys that sit by the front door. The colour drained from my face.  

We could not break these cuffs and we really, really tried. I have no clue where they got the damn things from. We realised we would have to call someone. 

So, I called my friend, the very same one that bought the cuffs, to let themselves in to our Cube flat. They grabbed the cuff keys, unlocked my door, and threw them in my room without looking.  

This friend was a legend and pulled it off. But they definitely knew what happened and we never lived it down.  


Potlucks Not Prayer Meetings: Aotearoa Filipino Potluck Club 


Welly’s Tussock Café upgrades to T-Bar