Event Weeks see out Semester Two

Peace, Chinese Language, and Mental Health Week have occupied what is left of semester two, seeing small events and displays pop up around campus.  

Peace Week took place from September 17 to 21, a week Massey coordinates around the UN’s annual International Day of Peace, also on the 21st.

Throughout the week, students were invited to make paper doves and place them on a fairy light peace tree in the ASA lounge.

The purpose of this activity was for people to write messages of peace on their doves, the result being a collection of hopeful, thought provoking notes written on symbols of peace.

These included lyrics from John Lennon’s Imagine, and Neil from The Young Ones infamous quote “vegetable rights and peace.”

There was also the return of the “skin tone” chairs to the main lawn, which are representative of races sitting together and finding common ground despite their differences.

Chinese Language week came to campus on September 24 to 29, the highlight being Wednesday’s Mid-Autumn festival that graced the quad with free food, vibrant decorations and traditional music.

The food line-up included moon cakes, a bakery item that is traditionally eaten during the festival in China and are usually decorated with traditional Chinese characters and patterns.

The free dumplings were polished off by eager students within the first fifteen minutes of the event.

Banners with Chinese phrases were also up around campus and included spelt-out ways of pronouncing the words in English.

Finally, Mental Health Awareness week will come to campus during week 11, from October 8 to 12.  

While it is currently unconfirmed what the events for this week will be, there will be stickers and posters throughout campus from the Mental Health Foundation.


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