Crossword Issue 17 *Amended*


1. To give precisely zero fucks (9)
4. To be sexually unfaithful either breaking a promise of sexual fidelity or lying about sexual encounters (5)
7. The opposite of head, and synonymous with ass (4)
8. The colour of LOVE (3)
9. If it’s yellow, let it ‘_____’, if it’s brown, flush it down (6)
10. Inserted into the vagina (6)
11. A person who charts the position of the stars in the sky to gain insight into human personality, and draw predictions about the future (10)
12. The word you use when someone clearly has no talent and/or is unworthy of praise, status or limelight of any sort (4)
13. The occasionally blue thing above your head that can’t be touched no matter how hard you try (3)
14. The cute girl from Monster’s Inc (3)
17. The state of having no hair (4)
19. A notice of death ( 8 )
21. A female knight of a British chivalric order (3)
22. To walk with attitude (4)
23. Rich bald spaceman (4, 5)


1. Audio processor originally intended to disguise or correct shit singing ( 8 )
2. The act of communicating with another person subconsciously but not physically interacting with them (9)
3. Lil Nas X’s latest single ( 8, 4)
4. Sliced cabbage with mayo ( 8 )
5. Describes events which happened after all the story has finished ( 8 )
6. Where everyone gets a bargain (3, 9)
8. Person with the most Instagram followers (7)
13. Religous day of rest (7)
15. People who don’t eat this part of their pizzas can’t be trusted (5)
16. The male gnome protagonist of the Romeo and Juliet 2011 remake (6)
18. If you can ‘____’ a wrench, then you can ‘____’ a ball (5)
20. The daddy version of string (4)


Doin’ it Up the Butt: The Intricate World of Butt-Chugging


It’s the fashion issue, baby! Let’s talk about threads, shall we?