New Massey confessions page will not provide a platform for hate speech
Meme posted on @masseyuniconfessions. Photo / Instagram
Massey students finally have a place to anonymously confess their inner thoughts, but the account owner will not tolerate users who use the platform to spread hate speech.
During the mid-semester break, Instagram account @masseyuniconfessions was made by the same person who runs the Victoria University confessions page with over 4,500 followers.
The owner, who goes by Anon (anonymous), was accused of censoring free speech after anti-trans activist Posie Parker visited Aotearoa in March.
A Victoria account user commented in support of Posie Parker and called Anon a “biased coward who censors free speech”.
Anon addressed the comment, saying they refuse to cater to people whose free speech actively impedes on other people's right to live freely and safely.
Anon told Massive an anonymous page was great for students, however there were “opportunists who use the anonymous platforms to spread blatant hate or to harass people”.
“As the solo admin of these pages, they’re obviously going to be influenced by my values and beliefs. I’m not transphobic or homophobic and refuse to provide people with a platform to voice those beliefs.”
They believed the user’s confession was hate speech, “There are plenty of platforms for people with those same beliefs, I would recommend they give those a gander.”
Anon’s rules which protect students are no full names, no hate speech, no sacrificing privacy.
They said having a confession page can be “incredibly liberating” for students.
Over the past two years, Victoria students have learnt to trust Anon, and they hoped Massey students would come to do the same.
“It's been pretty amazing to see that I make people feel comfortable enough to reach out to me, and clearly trust me to remove stuff, or keep information between us.”
So far, Anon had posted confessions about Tussock Cafe, the dodgy elevators, and Massey’s vintage fashion girlies.
Anon started getting requests to create a Massey confessions page in the middle of last year, which they didn’t consider as they weren’t a Massey student.
“But on the 25th time of being asked, I decided I would make one”.
Anon’s favourite part of running confession pages was the community it had built.
They were happy to get to know Massey student president, Jake Law, and support things he advocated for.
Anon said, “It's comforting to know that there is an anonymous platform where you can seek advice, or simply get something off your shoulders without facing judgement or harassment”.