Browse Café returns...but with Starbucks?

After months of uncertainty, Browse Café is making moves to reopen, with a new addition of a Starbucks menu.  

Once a popular spot for students in the Albany library to study and grab a quick bite, Browse Café became another victim of the first 2020 Covid-19 lockdown. But when the first lockdown had lifted, Browse had closed its blinds. However, many students still had hope. For them, it wasn’t a question of “if” Browse will reopen, but “when”. Campus Librarian, Amanda Cooper, echoed this sentiment and said that a reopening was “on the horizon”. 

However, the appearance of Starbucks posters around the library made Browse’s future even more uncertain. Campus operation manager, John Shimwell, said “The two short lockdowns earlier this semester further delayed the café’s reopening. But we are now pleased to advise that Browse will reopen for business from Monday 19 April. It will be open from Monday to Friday, between 08.00[AM] and 12.00[PM].” 

As for Starbucks, Shimwell said that “Browse Café will be part of the We Proudly Serve Starbucks® coffee program. Browse Café will remain under the same ownership and be operated by Compass as before. But will now have access to the Starbucks range of beverages and food products.” 

A description of the program says that baristas will be trained to serve Starbucks drinks. Judging from the menu and fine print, products available for students will become clearer on opening day. Hopefully, over time Browse Café will stay open for longer too. The afternoon caffeine hit is always  much appreciated. 


Artist Profile: DARTZ


Massey has a gin-making tree on campus, but it’s for “research”.