ASA Education Officer resigns

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The resignation of Albany Student Association’s Education Officer Mhairi Acheson from the Executive was publicly announced at last Wednesday’s ASA executive meeting. 

ASA president Ben Austin said, “It’s a real shame that Mhairi has had to leave the Exec. They were doing amazing work in so many different aspects around campus and I wish them all the best in continuing those projects and groups.” 

A by-election will be hosted soon by ASA to fill the role as stated by their constitution.  

“There is a lot of back-end work for us to do to set this by-election up but we are working as quickly as we can to get the role filled,” Ben said. 

This resignation comes after the resignations of three Distance Exec members and one Welly Exec member this year already. Exec members are dropping like flies! Never thought I’d be this sad to see so many baby politicians go.  

Massive reached out to Mhairi but received no reply by time of print. 


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