Albany Clubs Day gets the green light


Clubs’ Day at Massey’s Albany campus was finally able to go ahead last Wednesday, after several postponements due to Covid-19.  

Around 25 clubs signed up to be represented at the event, including Massey Albany Pasifika Students’ Association, Massey University Badminton Club, Massey University Student Investment Club and Academic Toastmasters. 

The original date during the first week of semester one was postponed one week, after Auckland went into Alert Level 3. It was postponed again when Auckland returned to Level 3 a second time. 

Student Vivian says she was disappointed by the original cancelation. “I was sad because I was really looking forward to it,” she said. 

Student Emma thinks that a clubs’ day earlier in the semester would have been more ideal for its purpose and believes that the event could be advertised more. “It is a great opportunity to see what is available on campus for students and is also a way to create friendships,” she said. 

Albany Student Association president Ben Austin says that the Clubs’ Day was a good way to see the Massey community and he’s looking forward to seeing life come back to the campus after the study break. “Kay-Leigh, the Clubs Coordinator, has done a lot of work over the weeks to make sure that the event can go ahead and that all the Albany clubs are prepared for the day,” Ben says. 

Clubs and Activities Coordinator Kay-Leigh Wheeler said Clubs' Day is a great opportunity for clubs to interact with students and for students to take advantage of their offering and connections. “A club offers social interaction with others and can also help introduce students to new activities and/or cultures/groups they have never been able to be part of. Many of the people you meet in a club can become life time friends or at least it is a good networking opportunity for life outside of uni,” she says. 


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