Sexcapades: Adding insult to injury  

Back when I was still hooking up with people from Tinder, I matched with this guy. We agreed to meet at his house the next night. As I was getting ready (everything shower), I got a text from him asking if I could come over an hour or two later than planned. I said it was fine and asked him if everything was okay. He said he’s been cycling home and got hit by a car, so he was “just going to get that sorted out first". I thought that was weird, but figured if it was really bad, he would have just canceled so I carried on getting ready.  

When I did get to his house, he opened the door, and this man was seriously scratched up. I’m talking scrapes all over his nose and forehead, his arms, his legs. I asked him if he was okay and said we could just catch up another time. But he said he was feeling fine, so I went inside.  

We ended up having some seriously boring sex. When that was finally over, I headed back to my car and while in the driveway of his house, I texted my best friend about the whole hectic lead up to this horribly bland hook up.  

Unfortunately, I’d accidentally hit this guy's message thread.  

I had just told the man who’d been hit by a car and had his skin torn to shreds earlier that day that the sex was really fucking boring. Seriously, add insult to injury. 


Naked and Afraid (of Kanye) 


Big Nose Renaissance